I did it I got the gold medal
See above for the start and finish of the ghans
My goal was to assemble 4 ghans. I had the squares already completed however I needed to weave in the ends and assemble. I choose to start with the easy one first. The orange ghan that one had 48 ends to weave in, I was also concerned that I would run out of aran color yarn. Found one in my stash - phew. The orange yarn is Perfect match orange and the aran used was TLC Essentials. This one will be going to Victoria's Sweet Blankies charity. Next one worked on I decided to weave in the ends first before assembly (well over 200 ends to weave in) one thing I wanted in this ghan was each square had to have at a minimum 2 colors - I assembled with Perfect Match Black used the continuos join assembly method found on Crochet Cabana website. Not 100% sure where this one is going to. Next one to assemble was the pink one, I had pink squares and needed to find additional solids in my stash of squares to match. Yarn used for assembly was Caron Off White Pounder, yarn for squares were Caron Pounders Country Rose, Dk Violet, Perfect Match Cornmeal and RH SS Blue. Used the continous joining method again, woven in 96 ends, again not 100% sure where this will go to. The two charities that these will go to are: Sissy's Seniors and Project Rest Assured. The last ghan assembled is for me - squares used are from Joyce in the Spring Secret Pal on Crochetville. Method of joining is similar to the Lattice Techinque found on the Crochet dude's website. Used Caron Brown Pounder and TLC Essentials Aran for joining.
All in all I woven in over 450 ends on all 4 ghans.....
Off to collect the gold medal......................
Congrats my friend. So glad that you were able to make gold. I'm so happy to see the squares I sent you all done and put together. 450 ends WOWEE. I need to add up my stats for the games, lol. There were 256 saltines in the windwalker lapghan alone.
way to go on getting the GOLD!! and thank you so much for helping me with the seniors
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