A yarn junky who does not want any type of help!!! Love the feel of yarn as it is dancing through my fingers and hook. The complete projects make my heart skip a beat and to see it go to a needy cause makes my heart sing and brings a tear to my eye
Sunday, August 24, 2008
2008 Olympic Challenge

I did it I got the gold medal
See above for the start and finish of the ghans
My goal was to assemble 4 ghans. I had the squares already completed however I needed to weave in the ends and assemble. I choose to start with the easy one first. The orange ghan that one had 48 ends to weave in, I was also concerned that I would run out of aran color yarn. Found one in my stash - phew. The orange yarn is Perfect match orange and the aran used was TLC Essentials. This one will be going to Victoria's Sweet Blankies charity. Next one worked on I decided to weave in the ends first before assembly (well over 200 ends to weave in) one thing I wanted in this ghan was each square had to have at a minimum 2 colors - I assembled with Perfect Match Black used the continuos join assembly method found on Crochet Cabana website. Not 100% sure where this one is going to. Next one to assemble was the pink one, I had pink squares and needed to find additional solids in my stash of squares to match. Yarn used for assembly was Caron Off White Pounder, yarn for squares were Caron Pounders Country Rose, Dk Violet, Perfect Match Cornmeal and RH SS Blue. Used the continous joining method again, woven in 96 ends, again not 100% sure where this will go to. The two charities that these will go to are: Sissy's Seniors and Project Rest Assured. The last ghan assembled is for me - squares used are from Joyce in the Spring Secret Pal on Crochetville. Method of joining is similar to the Lattice Techinque found on the Crochet dude's website. Used Caron Brown Pounder and TLC Essentials Aran for joining.
All in all I woven in over 450 ends on all 4 ghans.....
Off to collect the gold medal......................
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Traveling scarf - knit
Traveling scarf is knit - yes I know you are use to seeing crochet projects on this site. But knitting is part of me too...........A group of ladies at Just 4 Ewe are doing a traveling scarf. We all started with our own scarf cast on 44 stitches and do a rib of knit 2 purl 2, after we get to 7" we head back to J4E and drop off our scarf and pick up the next one. We have two teams (I am on team one along with Lois, Kim, Martha and a few others) Martha has my scarf now .....
We also get to put a little something in the bag of the person who's bag we receive.
Oh and one other thing we made journals last week and they accompany the scarf for comments, or what ever we would like to put in it.
I will continue to take pictures of the scarfs that I get to work on before I trade them in
Happy travels little scarf I will see you when you are complete :)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Oasis wrap made for Fiona (mumbles17)
Here is the wrap
This was made with Caron Naturally - Spa color: Ocean Spray same as on pattern. I knew as soon as I saw this new yarn was available I had to make the wrap for my secret pal. I was thinking this would be perfect and lightweight (she lives in AZ) I don't think she'll be using it until it is closer to fall. The yarn was a delight to work with it is a Bamboo mix - I wased it before sending and I was a wee bit neverous about it but as you can see (this is fresh out of the washer) that it is still wonderful. I would like to work with it again however I would like to make my self a soft scarf. Not necessarily a winter one but one that I could use in the fall/spring when you are not yet wearing winter coats.
Oh the pattern http://naturallycaron.com/projects/oasis/oasis_1.html
There are a lot more lovely patterns on this web site - more colors of yarn at the store (in my area only available at Joann's)