Friday, May 9, 2008

May Ghans for Project rest assured

Here the ghans that were sent to Ohio for Project Rest Assured. This is a charity that makes ghans for children in foster care. We feel that as the children move around in the system, changing families, homes, school settings, neighborhoods we feel there is one thing that is theirs and can comfort them. I guess everyone needs a security blanket

Enjoy them. they were assembled with love

Back to Charity work

Here are some recent squares sent out

6", 8" and 12" totaling 110 squares....can't wait to see the final results once they are assembled

They have been sent to Detroit for the Childrens Hospital, New York for Eldery abuse and North Carolina for a Nursing Home.

Had to fix the Pix

I just fix the pix from Secret Pal
Sorry about that, created a new folder in Photobucket and moved the original pix